Monday, August 31, 2009
Dessert: A Sweet Concept

Today, I blogged over on eHarlequin about
the concept of dessert as a motivator to get work done. Considering I work for myself and I'm probably the easiest boss
eva, I need SOMETHING to make myself keep on writing on the days when the sun is shining. To the left there is the dessert that kept my butt in the chair yesterday--a Mixed Berry Pavlova I had made for company a couple days prior (there was like, no lie, two tablespoons left over, but being a dessert freak, I saved all two tablespoons for later, LOL). So check out the post, and then have a little chocolate!
Monday, August 24, 2009
What Happened to August?
I have no idea where this month went (well, actually I do. Many things, none of them weddings, took place and the month just disappeared before I even knew it). I haven't even been to a store to see if my book is on the shelves, but my relatives and friends tell me that it is,'s the cover.

I have to say that I loved this book and I feared it, too. It deals with a sensitive subject and I really wasn't sure that I was capable of giving it everything that it needed. But in the end, I just...put my heart into it and wrote the book that my characters demanded I write. I only hope that it touches a few hearts along the way.
Have a wonderful last week in August! (I hope your month didn't fly by as quickly as mine seemed to do).