Thursday, April 2, 2009
Me? A Bridesmaid?
Today's guest blogger is Kimberly Lang who made the Walden's Best Seller list for category romances with her first Harlequin Presents, The Secret Mistress Arrangement. Congrats!

Thanks for inviting me back to the blog!
Last time I visited here, I made the mistake of saying my bridesmaid days were pretty much over. I bragged how my days of hand-holding my friends in the midst of emotional bridal breakdowns were over.
Seems I jinxed myself.
Of course, no sooner than I said it one of my oldest and dearest friends had to get herself engaged and it seems I’ll be wearing taffeta again. Probably something long and froofy with a sweetheart neckline and the potential for puffy sleeves. Oh, please, just let it not be fuchsia. Anything but fuchsia. It’s not a good color for me.

With my luck, the dress will have a butt bow as well.
Why are bridesmaid dresses hideous by nature? Oh, the bride is always so quick to claim “you’ll be able to wear it again,” but has anyone ever actually been able to wear a bridesmaid dress again? No matter how you try to shorten it or tailor it or put a jacket over it, it will forever scream BRIDESMAID.

I’ve been lucky that my friends, for the most part, have always had good taste and I was never stuck wearing something just too horrid to believe (fuchsia butt bows aside – I think that’s just standard). They just weren’t what you’d call particularly flattering.
One of my favorite websites –
Etiquette Hell – has a Bridesmaid Dress Incinerator. Those are some pretty bad dresses. It’s enough to make me feel downright fortunate in my bridesmaid attire.

It’s a good thing we’re talking about friends. Can you imagine what your enemies would do to you?
So my nightmare is fuchsia with a butt bow. Do you have a bridesmaid’s dress horror to share? (And keep your fingers crossed for my upcoming dress, okay? Thanks.)
**** I’m celebrating the release of TWO books this month. My first book, The Secret Mistress Arrangement, from Harlequin Presents is out this month in the US. My second book, The Millionaire’s Misbehaving Mistress, from Mills and Boon Modern Heat, is out in the UK. Drop by my
website for details and contests this month.
Labels: guest blogging
Morning, Kim, and congrats on the Walden's List. I'm sure you're just beaming. :)
I don't know if brides do it deliberately to make themselves look better, but the dresses are always ugly. I had a hoopskirt incident in 1985 that I'm still recovering from. In the recent wedding of my best friend since junior high, I got to choose the dress, but the bride chose the color. Its a very nice halter dress with beading. Could almost wear it again except its lime green. Special color for the maid of honor! Sigh...
I can only imagine what my enemy would dress me in.
- April 2, 2009 at 5:56 AM
Congratulations on making the Walden's List!!
I have, in fact, worn a brides maid's dress again. Actually, I really like the dress and always get compliments on it when I wear it. However, the dress I wore for my wonderful sister's wedding should be burned. Of course, that wasn't really her fault...I was 7 months pregnant at the time.
- April 2, 2009 at 6:32 AM
LOL...I've only been a bridesmaid for my sister, being the first married of my friends and either pregnant or just given birth the year it seemed all my friends got married, and I hired a dress so didn't have to worry about wearing it again. My daughter did the same for her bridesmaids. It saves on closet space, if nothing else!
- April 2, 2009 at 6:49 AM
Thanks for visiting us again, Kimberly!
I've only been a bridesmaid once. (I was supposed to be one a second time, but got pregnant and the doctor wouldn't let me fly to Texas.) The bride found dresses that weren't official bridesmaid dresses and she allowed us to decide on which shoes to wear. It was great since I got much wear out of both things!
When I got married and asked her to be my maid of honor (it was a small wedding so only 1 attendant) I told her I didn't care what she wore as long as it was a pale pink. She wore her dress lots, too!
But I have been to many weddings and just had to shake my head. I couldn't believe the brides picked what they did. Don't they care how the pictures look with all their friends in horrible dresses?
Melissa McClone
- April 2, 2009 at 6:57 AM
Yay on hitting the Walden's list!
I've never been a bridesmaid. And the two girls who were my bridesmaids actually did wear their dresses again. They made their dresses and we picked a pattern that didn't scream bridesmaid and could be left long or shortened to street length. They were a pale yellow floral print and they wore big straw hats with emerald green ribbon. Yes, I got married in the 70's. :-)
I've never heard of hiring dresses for a wedding, but the guys do it with tuxes, so why not? I think it's a fabu idea!
- April 2, 2009 at 7:02 AM
Congratulations on making the Walden's list! That's wonderful!
Yes, I remember a particularly pink pleated bridesmaid dress that made me feel a bit like an unattractive ice cream cone.
And Melissa, I once wore a rented bridesmaid dress, too. I don't even remember what it looked like, so it must not have been pretty. I actually wore a couple that were "sort of" attractive, but nothing I'd ever wear again.
- April 2, 2009 at 7:03 AM
Hoopskirts, straw hats, butt bows.
And it never fails -- the bride always proudly displays a HUGE photo of the wedding party, so you have to relive the indignity every time you go to her house...
And, yes, I'm still giddy about the Walden list... :-)
- April 2, 2009 at 7:07 AM
PM - You've NEVER been a bridesmaid? I was going to let you off the hook, but I think you'll have to be one now just because.
Lucky for you marriage is a far off premise for me.
- April 2, 2009 at 7:31 AM
I was a bridesmaid only about three times. One of the dresses was actually beautiful...but wear it again? Not hardly. LOL
Your post so much reminded me of the movie 26 Dresses...Was it 26? I forgot.
I loved that movie!
Congrats on the Walden's List!
susan meier
- April 2, 2009 at 7:54 AM
Wow! Congrats on that Walden's placement. Very cool.
And the bridesmaid dresses are awesome. Wish I was that skinny again...
- April 3, 2009 at 5:12 AM
Realy would like to say thanks to all of you guys. Shairing Knowledgeble information here.
- May 16, 2009 at 1:28 AM
I'll be a bridemaid in a couple of months - we're all wearing black satin knee length dressing - all slightly different patters. That will be awesome, will definitely be able to wear it again.
I let one of my bridemaids pick for everyone else - I wasn't sure about it, but they all seemed to like it, so they couldn't blame me!
- February 11, 2010 at 5:50 AM
You look beautiful, Bridesmaids come in all colours, shapes and sizes, just like dresses. However, not all colours suit everyone and some shapes look better in specific styles of dress.
- June 13, 2013 at 12:20 AM
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